Macro Monday (1/16/2024)

The Macro Institute's Weekly Economic Primer

Inflation has come down quite a bit in the U.S. and around the world, but prices in some areas continue to rise faster than normal. One important example is rents, which carry a large weight in the Consumer Price Index and have continued to increase at a pace far faster than what would have been considered normal before the pandemic. Some private estimates of rent inflation have been softening for a while as more multi-family housing units are built and “churn” in the labor market has subsided. Despite this, it takes a while for the official calculations of rent inflation to catch up. Readers may be surprised to learn that home prices do an excellent job of forecasting changes in rent inflation. As this graph shows, the slowdown in national home price appreciation in 2022 and 2023 can explain a lot of the fall we’ve seen in rent inflation and gives us confidence that trend will continue into this summer.

The Macro Week In Review

The Macro Week Ahead

1. Retail sales for December will give us our first picture of U.S. consumer demand heading into the end of last year. Data from December and January has been very choppy in recent years, but weekly data from Redbook showed a slow acceleration in the pace of retail sales growth in the fourth quarter.

2. Housing data is extremely interest rate sensitive, none more so than the National Association of Homebuilders Market Index, which remains in highly distressed territory even after bouncing moderately in December. Housing starts and building permits carry greater weight in the market, and data for December could show a jump in the latter based on the substantial drop in rates during the closing months of last year.

3. U.S. industrial output has been flat all year, in line with leading indicators like the ISM Manufacturing PMI. December’s data is not likely to show much of an increase.

Three Tweets From The Macro Institute

Macro Specialist Executive Education

The Macro Specialist Executive Education program is tailored for the busy investment professional. The content covered in two days is an intensive overview of the first level of the Macro Specialist Designation (M²SD) study program, focusing on practical investment techniques and a live, interactive simulation.

The Macro Specialist program has partnered with Macrobond and participants will receive 3-months of free access to Macrobond's state-of-the-art macro data and analytics! Macrobond delivers the world’s most comprehensive source of economic intelligence for financial professionals, together with the analytical tools that help them quickly find, analyze and visualize relevant data.

In just two days you will learn how to:

  • Successfully implement business cycle analysis and macro techniques into your investment process.

  • Identify anticipatory macro data that can help predict the path of leading indicators, including the equity market.

  • Understand common human behavioral biases and how they impact investors' decisions—including your own.

  • Interpret changes in monetary policy and trends in interest rates to anticipate future developments in markets and the economy.

  • Chart key macro data relationships with the appropriate lead/lag times. 

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