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  • Macro Monday: Earnings Growth About To Peak?

Macro Monday: Earnings Growth About To Peak?

The Macro Institute's Weekly Economic Primer

U.S. corporations are just about done reporting their first quarter earnings. Like most earnings seasons, beats were far more common than misses. Companies that failed to meet expectations or that provided weaker guidance for future quarters saw their stock prices hit as a result. Level 1 of the M2 SD curriculum emphasizes that stock prices – valuations, in particular – lead analysts’ earnings estimates by about three months. The S&P 500 peaked back on March 31, so are we due for some weaker revisions in the coming months? Consensus earnings estimates for the next year are about 12% higher than they were at this time last year. That rate is unchanged from the end of Q1, indicating that earnings reports have not provided any additional momentum, particularly as the Mag7 have surrendered their leadership position for now.

The Macro Week In Review

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Works closely with the Head of BlackRock investment institute, Chief Investment Strategist, and Head of Portfolio Research to develop and communicate macro views. The jobholder is responsible for the macro analysis to support the resulting views, which underpin tactical and strategic asset allocations.

Quant analyst for a discretionary macro team focused on rates. Responsible for building innovative tools and conducting in-depth data analysis and research to identify market trends, anomalies, and potential alpha-generating opportunities in developed rates markets.

From macroeconomic forecasts to individual stock analysis, our team develops tools and insights to help shape investment strategies for clients and the firm. We are seeking an analyst with strong programming skillsets and a keen interest in economics to join Energy Research team within Commodities Research.

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